Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Phantasmagorical Schoolmarm

miss coffey teaches

1. when she gets enough sleep.

2. when things don't catch fire in her apartment in the middle of the night.

3. when morning classes are cancelled.

4. when lunch is not just vegetables and rice. (do I look like I was born on Planet Vegetable? God made animals for me to eat!)

5. when she is in love.

6. when they don't blare Britney Spears and Creed over the loudspeaker during lunch hour ! Next up... "two trailor park girls go round the outside..."

7. when she remembers to bring breath mints to work.

8. when her boss locates the remote control for her apartment's air-conditioning.

9. when the school finally buys a drip coffee maker.

10. when her co-teacher gets her jokes.

I've had the benefit of two of these things today. Take your best guess. I'm ready for a nap in about three hours.


At 2:26 AM, June 16, 2005, Blogger kushibo said...

Drip coffee maker and air conditioner remote.

What do I win?

At 2:33 AM, June 16, 2005, Blogger kushibo said...

Miss Coffey Teacher 선생님!

Where is that beach on which your (?) photo was taken? I'm guessing not Korea, but I wonder if it's far northern California, Oregon, or Washington.

At 2:35 AM, June 16, 2005, Blogger Sarah Nadine said...

Oregon in December of last year. :o) And nobody has guessed right, so nobody gets a prize ;o)

At 4:26 AM, June 16, 2005, Blogger kushibo said...

Being in love and things not catching fire?

Can you at least tell us if we're half right or not right at all?

Yeah, that looked like Oregon. Haven't been there since January 2002, but it's something you can't easily put out of your mind.

Is there a Starbuck's at the beach?

At 7:45 AM, June 16, 2005, Blogger kobukson said...

well i'm just glad "when the freshmen stop playing pin the tail on the teacher" wasn't on the list.

btw, why would your boss have the remote to the AC in your apt? is your boss your landlord also? i guess that means if your boss forgets to pay you then you'll have a great excuse why you couldnt pay the rent!

At 2:45 PM, June 16, 2005, Blogger Sarah Nadine said...

I work for a public school. The direct deposit of my salary is always on time. My most immediate boss is my co-teacher who is responsible to take care of me. There was no remote for my A/C when I moved in, so he's responsible to locate it for me. I'm a foreigner, cannot speak Korean well enough to make inquiries to my landlord (dont even have his phone number!). And I'm a young lady. He should take care of me, that's all there is to it. So I gave him an ultimatum yesterday. Either you get me that remote I've been requesting for two weeks, or I don't come to school tomorrow. It was in my hands within three hours of that conversation. And no, the A/C remote was not one of the correct answers to this blog entry ;o)

At 7:03 PM, June 16, 2005, Blogger kobukson said...

Come on, Kushibo. Being in love and things not catching fire?

First of all if she just fell in love, the last thing on her mind would be teaching, or anything else for that matter. If something caught fire in the apt, then she would have wrote a blog entry about her apt being on fire, instead of writing a list of 10 things. Process of elimination. Think man, think!

I say

1. got enough sleep
3. morning classes cancelled

Morning classes were cancelled, therefore she was able to wake up later and thus get plenty of sleep.

At 7:36 PM, June 16, 2005, Blogger kushibo said...

It could be being in love. I feel better about everything when I'm in love. And I feel crappy about things when love goes awry.

And with teaching, where love/love awry can distract from the focused mind you need, it can be many times worse.

But, wait, if you were in love with someone, why did you mention being sad in Insa-dong seeing all the couples? (Or was that not you?)

So if it isn't things not catching fire and love, then what is it? I promise you any item on the Taco Bell menu if you tell me.

At 4:42 AM, June 17, 2005, Blogger Sarah Nadine said...

The correct answers are numbers 3 and 5. I want a 7 Layer Burrito with no rice. Thanks.

At 6:39 AM, June 17, 2005, Blogger kushibo said...

Who are you in love with?
Why were classes canceled?
Will you come to Yongsan (the Garrison of the same name is where the Taco Bell is located) to get the seven-layer burrito?
What, if anything, do they put into it in place of the rice?

At 7:17 AM, June 18, 2005, Blogger asiatown77 said...

You're a Phantasmagorical Schoolmarm? AND you're in love with me? Wow....;)

At 6:59 AM, June 19, 2005, Blogger Sarah Nadine said...

To answer Kushibo, they don't put anything in place of the rice. They just take it out. And no, I wont come to Yongsan for it. I'm hoping to eat it at home where I belong ;o) I miss my mommy! Classes were cancelled for whatever reason- I have no idea. They don't often explain things to me voluntarily. But I had to be at school anyway, just in my office. Who am I in love with? Wouldnt you like to know. See the links section of this blog. And no, it's not Matt Drudge. Good guess! ;o)

At 4:21 PM, June 19, 2005, Blogger kushibo said...

I don't know how well those things travel by Kwik Service. That would make the $2.29 burrito considerably more expensive anyway. If you make it out to Yongsan, let me know and we can go on base (I can sign on up to two people), get the burrito, and you can do with the seven-layer burrito what you will.


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