Saturday, October 08, 2005


I went for a run in the rain today in order to satisfy my body's demand for a fight. Perhaps you know that point where you feel as though you're going to puke and then shortly thereafter follows a nearly impossible sense of well-being, the colors of grass and sky suddenly spilling more vibrantly over the landscape than you noticed before your moment of exhiliaration. I find that focused thought is often the byproduct of such activity. Some people hate to hear that, would love to believe that any positive effects of exercise are all myths. My goodness, you'd be surprised. And all the while America is dying of heart disease. I'm baffled by how frequently newspapers and other periodicals will hail mentally retarded people as "our local heros" or the wheel-chair bound artist as a role-model. Nobody aspires to that. It's a freakin tragedy that anyone has to live with impairment. America doesn't seem to be able to recognize true heroism anymore. When she does mention fallen heroes on the nightly news, it is accompanied by the not so subtle hint that "We at the network think this is such a senseless waste of life, but you should know the names of America's fallen." This is an erosion of honor and completely undermines what the sacrifice was for. Don't even mention it, if you're going to do it half-assed. This is the worst form of gluttony- to view liberty as something merely to be ingested, enjoyed, and taken for granted. Guess what, lady, the man who beats you isn't your hero.

See me jump through hoops for you
You stand there watching me performing
What exactly do you do?
Have you ever thought it's you that's boring?
Who the hell are you?

I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me...

-liz phair "extraordinary"-


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