Saturday, January 08, 2005

Se non ci sei tu con me

Quando sono solo
Sogno all’orizzonte
E mancan le parole
Si lo so che non c’? luce
In una stanza
Quando manca il sole
Se non ci sei tu con me, con me.
Su le finestre
Mostra a tutti il mio cuore
Che hai acceso
Chiudi dentro me
La luce che
Hai incontrato per strada


"A young bride who has fainted into the embrace of her husband is closely united with him, but she does not enjoy the blessedness of her union with him because she is unconscious. Nonetheless, her husband holds her in his arms while she is in a state of fainting that has come from excess love. He recalls her to life again tenderly by his caresses, and as she comes to consciousness she knows that she possesses him who her soul loves and that she is possessed by him.

"So, too, it is with the believer."

-MADAME GUYON - Union with God