Sunday, October 09, 2005

you should know better

Some mornings begin with the sound of the alarm clock, insistantly beckoning you back to consciousness, like someone carelessly flipping on the lights after a movie. Much preferred is waking into the safety of your salutation. You woke before me. You were already driving through the day, while I slept to the rhythmic clicking of the turn signal. Answering the phone out of a deep slumber, I hear a voice far away saying, "Hello, sleepy," and I smile, though not quite awake. It's you, and I want to be awake now. For the past few days, every night in the shower and every morning upon waking, this song has been in my head...goes like this... I am fed up to be your twin brother- you're not my sister. And every time I think of that I want to, I want to say to you, I want to talk to you, When I look into your eyes, I see a yellow butterfly...


At 3:47 PM, October 10, 2005, Blogger Sarah Nadine said...

You assume correctly. :o) Practicing my prose on His Hotness. hehe.


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