Friday, April 15, 2005

Celebrating 50 years of Burger Goodness

McDonald's turns 50 today! I must admit that I love McDonald's and that the birthday of this American icon makes me a little homesick. Whenever I go, I order the two cheeseburger meal. If I eat it fast enough, I can put the whole thing away like nobody's business. If I take my time, then somebody else has to eat the other burger. I worked for McDonald's once for about a week, but they fired me. Actually, I made so many mistakes that they were like, "Listen... uh, we'd like to give you the opportunity to go ahead and resign, if you would, please." That was the day that I was supposed to load the ice cream cones into the dispenser. The thing was spring-loaded and it crushed them all in a big mess. I worked there, because it was a block from my home, and I hated driving anywhere. I thought it would be highly convenient and not like working at all. What a big bozo! But even in all that, I love McDonald's and will eat there at least once every month and a half to two months for the next 50 years of its corporate life, provided that I'm at home in the States. They just don't do burgers right anywhere else...


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