Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Don't eat the plastic.

Because lunch was weak again today, I went home after school and fried up some hot dogs and then had an egg salad sandwich, followed by oreos and coffee. The hot dogs took forever to cook. When I finally took them off the burner and took a few bites, I discovered that they were individually wrapped in plastic. I am almost ashamed to admit that I ate a couple bites of the plastic wrap, patiently thinking to myself that perhaps Korean hot dogs are different from our own. I mean, a girl's gotta have some level of tolerance for other cultures. I cannot very well expect them to be producing ballpark quality franks just because America does, now can I? Oh, what would me mother say if she could see me in such a state? More than likely: "I'll make you some cheese enchiladas and we'll have root beer floats for dessert. Why don't you go pick out a movie to watch?" I wondered what the bloated popping sound was coming from the frying pan. It must have been the heat wanting out of the plastic. Scientific things never made much sense to me. Why do I continually make these ridiculous food and/or fire related blunders? Have I exalted the name of Taco Bell too high and called down a curse upon my culinary skills?

....*sometime later*... Back from tkd practice. I think I'm skipping tomorrow. Nobody tell! ;o) Sometimes you just need an evening all to yourself.

Some forecasts say it's going to be in the 90's Saturday. yikes! Random Korean phrases float around in my head when I am...oh so sleepy...*yawn* ...like what the elevator lady's voice says when I arrive at the 14th floor of my building and what the subway voice says when you arrive at your destination... and stuff...and, could I get a fluffier pillow, please?...


At 7:00 PM, June 21, 2005, Blogger Al said...

I ate some cheese with the separation paper on it. Chewey, but nutricious to be sure.

At 1:46 AM, June 22, 2005, Blogger kushibo said...

When I was little I ate the paper that was surrounding one of those white buns with the pork inside.

I'm still working it through my system.

At 3:30 AM, June 22, 2005, Blogger peemil said...

I've done the same thing with the plastic. It was good thing I was too drunk to notice until I had finished three of them.

At 7:16 AM, June 22, 2005, Blogger Aaron said...

That's not plastic. That's just the way Korean hot dogs ("Bi-Enna Sausageee") taste.

At 5:46 PM, June 22, 2005, Blogger Juggy said...

So... i'm sure everyone is thinking it but no ones willing to ask...

were you "ok" the next day?

At 1:17 AM, June 23, 2005, Blogger Sarah Nadine said...

ninja kitty- THAT WAS HIGH SCHOOL!! Things are much better now, as you can see ;o)

juggy- I'm fine. No digestive problems. No gruesome toilet tales to tell. :o)

At 3:05 PM, June 24, 2005, Blogger Aaron said...

You once called me while I was on a date to ask me if you leave the plastic on a frozen pizza while bake it... So why am I not surprised at this? ;) It's called "directions".

Aha! I always figured they must put those directions on there for someone, because the pizza company had obviously had experience with folks leaving the plastic on the pizza. Now I know who "those folks" are.

Far be it from me to tell you how to cook, but maybe warming up instant foods is not your thing.


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