Thursday, May 05, 2005

umbrella sharing

This afternoon I went to visit some friends in Ansan, about an hour and a half away by subway. On my way home the skies turned unfriendly and it began to rain quite heavily, which was somehow a welcome conclusion to a week that has left my heart heavy and tired. After getting off the subway I have to catch a taxi to my house. I made my way to the long queue and stood listless under the sky without an umbrella. Do you ever feel that your heart has been unwillingly cracked open by the circumstances of a careless world? In such times you are far more open and exposed than you would like to be but have nowhere to run. That was me tonight. I felt like a doll left out in the rain. Then, to my utter surprise, someone put an umbrella over my head. I looked up to see a young couple, the man reaching out his umbrella to cover me, too. At first his girlfriend put on a pouty face and looked as though she might become angry. Korean girls are often sensitive to their boyfriends giving their attention to anyone else and are very suspicious of flirting. I said thank you. The boyfriend responded so patiently to her, though. He quietly said the Korean equivalent of, "Hey, come here," and put his arm around her. Instead of being annoyed at her reaction, he was reassuring. So kind, so gentle. Why should they care about some foreign girl getting soaking wet? I didn't even desire to be umbrellaed. That's one sweet thing about Koreans- they look out for each other. Then to witness their precious interchange... a huge sigh escaped my soul. Small acts of kindness like that can completely undo you when you're already being unravled on the inside. When they got into their taxi and pulled away, I started to cry, knowing that the rain would disguise my tears and hide me. Someone put an umbrella over me, and I could feel my God covering me and whispering....Hey, come here...


At 2:13 PM, May 10, 2005, Blogger Sarah said...

"Do you ever feel that your heart has been unwillingly cracked open by the circumstances of a careless world?"

This was just lovely, and wonderful to read Thanks for sharing.


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