doll making 101
An email I sent out recently...
So Friends,
Want to know what I'm up to while I'm unemployed? My sister sent me something very addictive. It's this doll-making site and I spent several hours on it last night, making doll versions of the people I know. There is a "boy doll maker" and also the "candybar doll maker" which is the girl one. Not enough of these damn dolls have curly hair. How am i supposed to make me?! This is a wicked thing. We should already know that since Sponge Bob is one of their corporate sponsors. Should purple eyes really be an option? Here are the dolls that I came up with. The first one is my friend Laura from high school who is now in Iraq. So if we substitute the bunny purse for a Glock and an M4, we've got it just about right. Then I made a summer version of my Florida sunshine boy and a winter marion, and I felt downright lucky to have found a fedora on there, since it's a Korean website ;o) Then I attempted to make myself. The last one is my sister's version of me, and she thinks it looks more like me. I pounded my fork and grumbled at the lunch table today, "Marj is better at making dolls than me." and my mom said, "Be nice to your baby sister."
What else? Watching reruns of Friends and Little House on the Prarie, eating icecream...reruns and late nights are the culture of the unemployed. I hope you enjoy the doll-making website. Email me your findings.
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