Conquering Kisses
Spring is here, ladies and gentleman! Wander about outside for ten minutes and you'll see... fresh-faced couples holding hands, trees bursting into showtime, people bustling freely in the evening hours instead of scurrying home in the cold, ...lovers everywhere, conquering each other's hearts with sweet kisses... *sigh* I bless that. My dear friends, this spring let us not begrudge tenderness, nor let us adopt the cynicism of a long-jaded world. Glance quickly away and blush, if you must, but keep that scowl from your face. :o)
In the words of our dear Dave Matthews:
Spring sweet rhythm dance in my head
Slip into my lover's hands
Kiss me oh won't you kiss me now
And sleep I would inside your mouth
Don't be us too shy
Knowing it's no big surprise
That I will wait for you
I will wait for no one but you
"Where one drop of blood drains a castle of life, so one kiss can bring it alive again." -Sleeping Beauty
I saw your posts on esl cafe.
You have a heart-felt turn of phrase and I enjoyed reading your blog
Take care x
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